Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How I cured Celitisis... an inflammation of the lips... Pt 3 Cheryl Jordan is sharing How her recovered an Issue with my lips Celitsis By Juicing for 61 Days. This started about August 2010 as a little spot on left side of my bottom lip. Of course as a Naturopathic Doctor, she started using various detoxifying sessions and home remedies. She checked her reference manual books on the internet and nothing that matched my symptoms, so 4 months pass and go to my primary doctor and off course he miss diagnosed it. So I started Juicing on Sept 1 2011 to Oct 31 2011 I recovered from lips issue but skin needs more time so I continue until my skin is clear.. BIG PS I lost a total of 30lb from 155lbs to 125 lbs dresss went from 10 to 4 I WILL keep you updated...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How to Deal Chelitis... an Inflammation of the Lips... Pt 2 Cheryl Jordan is sharing an Issue with my lips. This started about August 2010 as a little spot on left side of my bottom lip. Of course as a Naturopathic Doctor, she started using various detoxifying sessions and home remedies. She checked her reference manual books on the internet and nothing that matched my symptoms, so 4 months pass and go to my primary doctor and off course he miss diagnosed it. He prescribed a high priced ointment $65.00. I didn’t work. I went to the dermatologist. So I grilled him with a barrage of questions which did not completely satisfy me so we decide to do a biopsy. I want to know the source of the problem is I can address it at source. Get Newsletter and my Free Weight Loss Course

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Have You Heard of Chelitis an inflammation of the lips… But Why?

Cheryl Jordan is sharing an Issue with my lips.

This started about August 2010 as a little spot
on left side of my bottom lip.
Of course as a Naturopathic Doctor, she started
using various detoxifying sessions and home remedies.

She checked her reference manual books on the internet
and nothing that matched my symptoms, so 4 months pass
and go to my primary doctor and off course he miss
diagnosed it. He prescribed a high priced ointment $65.00.
I didn’t work. I went to the dermatologist.

So I grilled him with a barrage of questions which did not
completely satisfy me so we decide to do a biopsy. I want
to know the source of the problem is I can address it at

As you may know I have celiac disease, which is an

auto-immune condition developed from eating foods
that contain gluten (wheat, barley and rye foods). 

I suspected that it may have something to do with 
celiac disease. 
But I am not sure…
I am sharing this because when I was trying to find

out what was wrong.

Now my dermatologist says it’s Chelitis an inflammation
of the lips causing post inflammatory hyper pigmentation
(Labial hypermelanosis) hence the darkening of the lips.…

In natural alternative therapies, I need to know the cause of 

my health challenge and how to prevent it from happening in
the future.

So I'll find out the results in a few days…
What you can do for me is comment or share your 

experience if you have a similar condition.

Talk with you in a few days

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