Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How I cured Celitisis... an inflammation of the lips... Pt 3 Cheryl Jordan is sharing How her recovered an Issue with my lips Celitsis By Juicing for 61 Days. This started about August 2010 as a little spot on left side of my bottom lip. Of course as a Naturopathic Doctor, she started using various detoxifying sessions and home remedies. She checked her reference manual books on the internet and nothing that matched my symptoms, so 4 months pass and go to my primary doctor and off course he miss diagnosed it. So I started Juicing on Sept 1 2011 to Oct 31 2011 I recovered from lips issue but skin needs more time so I continue until my skin is clear.. BIG PS I lost a total of 30lb from 155lbs to 125 lbs dresss went from 10 to 4 I WILL keep you updated...